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| 小恒



He that Loves a Rosy Cheek

He that loves a rosy cheek

Or a coral lip admires,

Or from star-like eyes doth seek

Fuel to maintain his fires;

As old Time makes these decay,

So his flames must waste away.

But a smooth and steadfast mind,

Gentle thoughts, and calm desires,

Hearts with equal love combined,

Kindle never-dying fires:---

Where these are not, I despise

Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.


Angels are Always There

Surrounding you are angels,

They are there to guide your path,

If weakness overcomes you,

They'll give you strength if you will ask.

They are your protection

When life seems too hard to bear,

And though you feel alone at times,

The angels ... they are there.

Their faces may be hidden

And their voices you might not hear,

But they are ALWAYS with you,

Through your laughter or your tears.

They'll walk along beside you,

They'll guide your steps along the way,

They'll comfort you and hold you,

Protect you night and day.

They'll hold to your hand tightly,

They'll not ever let it go,

And they'll gently lead you forward,

Taking each step very slow.

For even as you slumber,

They watch closely over you;

They are there beside you

In each and every thing you do.

When life is overwhelming,

And your spirit has grown tired,

Know they'll be there for you,

To uplift and to inspire.

And when you're torn and lonely,

And you see no hope ahead,

Know that they will nourish you,

Your spirit will be fed.

And if there comes a time in life

That your heart has been broken,

Hear the words, "I'm here, my child,"

And know your angel has spoken.

For even in the darkest hour,

When all of hope seems gone,

They'll give you strength to live your life,

And desire to go on.

And if your faith in Heaven,

Should ever fade away,

They'll help renew your spirit,

And help you find your way.

Even though you're ever filled with doubt,

About the life you live,

Know that they are there to give you

All that they can give.

For you see, the Father sent them,

Because to Him, you mean so much,

That He sent them "just for you," my friend,

And your life, they will touch.

They will always be here,

They will "never" leave your side;

And upon their strength and guidance,

You always may rely.

Take comfort in their guidance,

Draw strength from up above,

And know that their sweet presence,

Is God's precious gift of love.



Would that we were,my beloved,white birds on the foam of the sea!

We tire of the flame of the meteor,before it can fade and flee;

And the flame of the blue star of twilight,hung low on the rim of the sky,

Has awakened in our hearts,my beloved,a sadness that may not die.

A weariness comes from those dreamers,dew-dabbled,the lily and rose;

Ah,dream not of them,my beloved,the flame of the meteor that goes,

Or the flame of the blue star that lingers hung low in the fall of the dew:

For I would we were changed to white birds on the wandering foam:I and you!

I am haunted by numberless islands,and many a Danaan shore,

Where Time would surely forget us,and Sorrow come near us no more;

Soon far from the rose and the lily,and fret of the flames would we be,

Were we only white birds,my beloved,buoyed out on the foam of the sea!


The Resolute Courtier

Prithee, say aye or no;

If thou’lt not have me, tell me so;

I cannot stay,

Nor will I wait upon

A smile or frown.

If thou wilt have me, say;

Then I am thine, or else I am mine own.

Be white or black; I hate

Dependence on a checkered fate;

Let go, or hold;

Come, either kiss or not:

Now to be hot,

And then again as cold,

Is a fantastic fever you have got.

A tedious woo is base,

And worse by far than a long grace:

For whilst we stay,

Our lingering spoils the roast,

Or stomach’s lost;

Nor can, nor will I stay;

For if I sup not quickly, I will fast.

Whilst we are fresh and stout

And vigorous, let us to ’t;

Alas, what good

From wrinkled man appears,

Gelded with years,

When his thin wheyish blood

Is far less comfortable than his tears?


I Loved You

Alexander Pushkin

I loved you; and perhaps I love you still,

The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; yet

It burns so quietly within my soul,

No longer should you feel distressed by it.

Silently and hopelessly I loved you,

At times too jealous and at times too shy.

God grant you find another who will love you

As tenderly and truthfully as I.

-- Alexander Pushkin. I Loved You.

Translation: Babette Deutsch.










