
5U文學(xué)網(wǎng) > 名言 > 英語名言 > 2021年植樹節(jié)的優(yōu)美名言名句英文


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1. Dig a hole, bury some soil, number 123, suffer for you, suffer for you, plant a big tree to make my heart drunk in your breath, March 12th Arbor Day, dear, let's plant trees together.

2. Press the editor, I think of you in my thoughts, press the confirmation, I love you in my heart, press the send, I send the blessing of Arbor Day to you, I hope there will always be sweet memories in your breath on March 12th.

3. Although romantic and beautiful, big trees will hurt their hearts. Although they are excellent materials, big trees will also grieve. On March 12th, Arbor Day, even if you can't plant a tree with your own hands, please don't hurt these big trees that support the blue sky.

4. I write when making paper with big trees. I write a big word for children. There are no green trees, no blue sky and white clouds. On March 12th, Arbor Day, in order for our children to have a free breath, please save paper and care for trees.

5. Once the most beautiful, once withered, once the sea was difficult for water, once reincarnated in four seasons, once wrote love in the glory of life, once I had no regrets, March 12th Arbor Day, let today be the future, plant trees.

6. The spring breeze caresses the earth, and the mountains are green and the flowers bloom. It's 3.12, plant the small trees all over the earth. Spring rain is coming, it floats gently, and a green dream will surely come true. Happy Arbor Day!

7. Today is March 12th. Have you planted trees? Afforestation is a century-long plan for greening the motherland. The water is beautiful only when there are green hills. Planting trees will lead to a green home. Wish you all the best on Arbor Day!

8. Put small trees all over the earth, put green clothes on the wasteland, scatter hopes to the horizon, and weave beautiful dreams. I wrap my blessing around a green ribbon and give it to you: Happy Arbor Day!

9. Plant a friendship tree, flourishing and affectionate, plant a happiness tree, lush and happy, plant a wish tree, and surround you with rich good luck. On March 12th Arbor Day, wish you good luck and always surround you. Happy Arbor Day!

10. Health is like "evergreen tree"; Love is like a "tie tree"; Career is like "towering tree". It's Arbor Day. Wish: Good luck and good fortune are not your "tree", happiness and happiness are not your "tree", and peace and happiness are not your "tree"!

11. Plant a red maple tree, and hope that you can't stop it; Plant two evergreen trees, and wish you "don't say two words" to go to Qingyun Road; Plant three Hu Yangshu, and wish you "3 sheep kaitai" happiness forever; Plant four olive trees, and wish you "four seasons of peace" to enjoy happiness; Plant five rich trees, and wish you a lot of laughter. 3.12 Arbor Day, I hope you can plant more trees and be as happy as a tree.

12. Trees began to be hacked, and global warming began. The Antarctic ice and snow melted, and the oasis became yellow sand. Bacteria mutate out of control, influenza escalates cancer. Blue sky is no longer complete, and soil erosion is aggravated. Pollution of sewage is rampant, and seafood is no longer pure. Arbor Day, let's plant trees, return our beautiful scenery, blue sky and white clouds!

13. Plant happy saplings and water happy sweat. Open auspicious flowers and bear happy fruits. Greening the beautiful environment and creating a happy life. Actively develop afforestation trees, and everyone will start to build trees into forests. On March 12th, Arbor Day, the whole people acted to promote greening, and the desert turned into a forest oasis.

14. A variety of trees, lush birds; Love trees more, and walk in the shade of trees; Protect more trees, and the towering trees protect the country; Make more publicity and make joint efforts to care for trees. Plant Festival, take care of trees, start from you and me!

15. Planting trees in Arbor Day not only protects water and soil. You can plant olive trees for peace and mutual benefit. Evergreen trees can be planted, symbolizing that friendship does not dry up. You can plant a cash cow, and the golden road leads to happiness. Arbor Day, send you a wishing tree, wish you a dream come true!

16.3.12 Arbor Day, plant a landscape tree in the yard, and see the green every day to be pleasing to the eye; Plant a tree of love in your heart, and live more, with warm colors and bright colors. May the tree of life be evergreen and the tree of happiness bloom and flourish.

17. Go to plant trees on March 12 and plant an ideal tree. People with lofty ideals will not pay off; Planting a healthy tree is envied by people who are healthy and healthy; Plant a love tree, and the husband and wife love each other and live in harmony; Plant a happy tree and embark on the road of happiness from now on!

18. It's Arbor Day again. I wish you endless wealth, sweetness, joy, grace, vitality and health! Happy tree planting day

19. Life is like a tree, with branches sprouting in spring, flourishing in summer, reborn in autumn and absorbing nutrients in winter. Every life cycle, let us mature step by step. Arbor Day wishes your life more and more wonderful every year!

20. Arbor Day, plant hope and send out the buds of dreams; Plant a beautiful and happy soil; Plant happiness and grow happy branches and leaves; Plant your heart and harvest the oasis of friendship. My friend, I wish you happiness and happiness forever!

21. On March 12th Arbor Day, a tree will be planted for you, the top of the tree will welcome you, the leaves will wash the air for you, the trunk will stand strong for you, the bark will remember your Cang Sang, the roots will be adopted for you, and the shade will be sweet for you. Dear, Happy Arbor Day!

22. On Arbor Day, plant a wishing tree of true feelings, and send a short message to you, wishing single friends a "tree" in their hearts as soon as possible, wishing lovers a "tree" that lovers will eventually become as soon as possible, and wishing husband and wife love each other and be "trees" at home forever.

23. If the father is kind and the son is suitable, the five sons can go to school, and the good weather will inevitably lead to abundant harvest. Afforestation will benefit future generations, and forest cover will prevent natural disasters. Arbor Day is coming, planting poplars and inserting willows in front of and behind the house. Let greening protect the navigation for happiness!

24. Plant a happy tree, and there is no happiness and happiness; Planting a love tree, love is sweet and romantic; Planting a cash cow, the financial resources are rolling and the wealth is booming; Plant a safe tree, and keep health with you every day. On Arbor Day, I hope you can plant more trees and reap happiness!

25. Plant hope, fill ideal, care with heart, and sprinkle sunshine. Watering sincerely, spreading hard, pruning hard, forging ahead and thriving. 3, 12 Arbor Day, I hope you can sow your hope and reap fruitful results in Man Cang. Happy Arbor Day!

26. Missing is the soil, hope is the tree, digging the soil of missing, planting the tree of hope, taking greetings as dew, pouring day and night; Take blessings as a hoe and take good care of them; I wish to hope to grow towering trees and accompany you along the way of life! Happy Arbor Day!

27.312 Arbor Day is coming, I wish my friends a thriving career tree; The green vine love tree is entangled for a lifetime; Healthy Hu Yangshu will never fail; Happy banyan trees are flourishing; The famous pine and cypress trees are green through the ages; Happy Arbor Day!

28. Sprinkle a little green and plant a piece of green.

29. There is a knack for moving seedlings. Don't let them know.

30. The green hand is the hand that drives the world.


1. Plant trees to make the air fresher. Plant trees to make the world a better place. Plant trees, and let the barren hills wear green clothes. Plant trees, let the birds have their homes, and plant trees today, which will benefit the future generations.

2. On Arbor Day, you are blessed with "trees". Good luck will always be "tree" to you, while happiness is not "tree" to you. Money will never be "tree", and lovers will eventually become "trees" as soon as possible. I sincerely wish you a happy Arbor Day!

3. On Arbor Day, we will never forget our slogan: Love afforestation to promote greening and protect ecological environment. I wish you a happy Arbor Day. In this beautiful festival, please give the earth a little color, move together and sow more seeds.

4. Arbor Day, give the earth a little color and move together! Arbor Day, you should also contribute your own strength to make the earth grow beautiful hair! Afforestation and greening of the motherland!

5. It's Arbor Day, and you may not have time to plant trees. It doesn't matter, let's plant green and environmentally friendly saplings in our hearts, and let them grow into towering trees to protect us from the wind and rain!

6. In March, we went to plant trees, and thousands of families were busy, and all trees were planted in front of and behind the house. Soon, the sprouts of the saplings revealed that bees and butterflies danced in groups, and birds and flowers showed beautiful pictures. May everyone plant more trees and green their homes on Arbor Day.

7. Plant thousands of happiness trees and cultivate 10,000 hope seedlings. When you pour sweet and happy water, everyone will begin to grow into a shadow. A flower alone is not spring, but every tree becomes a forest. Hundreds of flowers and thousands of forests are beautiful, so planting trees and protecting the environment are angels.

8. On Arbor Day, I send my best wishes to you: health will accompany you to thrive, happiness will spread branches and leaves for you, success will bear fruit for you, good luck will never fade, the root of happiness will last forever, and good luck will never stop.

9. Afforestation has morale, with thousands of mountains and thousands of layers of green, deserts gradually fading into camouflage, barren hills and mountains becoming the past, and flowers, trees and fruits are everywhere all year round in spring. Please offer your love on Arbor Day!

10. Plant a seedling in spring, enjoy the shade in summer, enjoy the beautiful scenery in autumn, and keep the wind from frost in winter, which can make beautiful environment and oxygen. With the arrival of Arbor Day, plant more trees. Now enjoy the shade and benefit future generations. Why not?

11. Plant one more tree, one more green, one less haze and one less pollution. On Arbor Day, let's plant green trees together, wave to the sunshine, smile to the sunshine, drive away the smog and protect the environment.

12. Being poor and bitter, it is necessary to plant trees, and the flowers are tightly clustered around the green trees. To enjoy happiness, plant trees first, purify the air and fix water and soil. If you want to be rich, you have to plant trees and beautify the environment. Arbor Day, environmental protection can be happy, planting trees can improve life!

13. Friendship is a tree, which is rooted in fertile soil. Care is sunshine, which always shines. Care is rain and dew, which always moistens. It's Arbor Day. Meet good friends, plant trees and plant a happy tree together, and be happy all your life!

14. Plant a tree with green ripples in your eyes; Cultivate 10,000 seedlings, and sometimes they will be lush; Protect a forest, solidify soil, seal sand and improve environment. Arbor Day is here, plant a tree of hope and give us a green home!

15. Show a pair of wings and fly to the direction of happiness; Pick a ray of light to warm a friend's heart; Rain, water the soil of happiness. Arbor Day, plant a tree, grow into a miss, and bring you blessings and spring breeze!

16. Afforestation to show mountains and rivers, planting flowers and grass to perfume eaves, fresh grass to spit out is still green, plum blossoms to greet the spring to embalm nature, green sea to cover mulberry fields, green mountains and clear waters to look at today. I hope the mountains of our motherland are infinitely green! Happy Arbor Day!

17.312 Arbor Day, 321 Forest Day, I hope that the tender young trees planted yesterday will grow into a green forest as soon as possible, and that the little wishes you made yesterday will become millions of achievements at an early date, connecting with each other one by one and connecting with each other happily!

18. Spring waves bloom like green grass, and blue sky and white clouds are green and green. On the occasion of Arbor Day, plant a flower sea for you, bring you the most beautiful scenery and the happiest mood, and wish you happiness without "trees"!

19. Arbor Day, plant a happy tree for you. The root is a strong body, the trunk is a happy family, the leaves are a happy career, and the flowers are a happy love. No matter how much wind and rain, she is your warm support!

20. Earthquake disasters occur frequently and air pollution is serious; The cold virus has become popular, and its resistance has declined. In short, the material level has improved and the environmental quality has declined. Today is Arbor Day on March 12th. Plant a tree for yourself!

21. Farming is gradually automated, land is becoming salinized, sandstorms continue to expand, fertile land is gradually desertified, life is basically modernized, Antarctic ice and snow are melting, and pollution has become global. Arbor Day is coming, start planting trees!

22. Plant a tree in your heart, let it shelter you from the wind and rain, plant a tree in your heart, let me care about you all the time, plant a tree in your heart, let you know that I miss you all the time, happy Arbor Day!

23. I heard that you contracted a happy forest this year, planted a cash cow, gave birth to a bunch of money leaves, grew a golden melon, collected a lucky fruit, and crushed a basket of happy beans. Don't forget to water the tree today.

24. Friendship is a tree, which is rooted in fertile soil. Care is sunshine, which always shines. Care is rain and dew, which always moistens. It's Arbor Day. Meet good friends, plant trees and plant a happy tree together, and be happy all your life!

25. Take firm steps, pat the dust on your body, continue to conquer your life and my life, confidently rush to a bright future, and plant a friendship tree for you when Arbor Day comes. I wish you success and happiness in your life.

26. Plant a green pine and make it green; Plant a peony and make a blush; Plant a true heart and sow the seeds of love. Arbor Day is coming soon. May you plant a good mood and a good blessing!

27. Arbor Day is a blessing. Plant a lucky tree, and good luck will take care of you; Planting a rich tree, there are countless banknotes; Plant a successful tree and accompany you straight to Qingyun Road; Plant a Christmas tree and wish you happiness forever.

28. When planting trees on Arbor Day, you are blessed with "trees": wealth, health, good luck, and my blessing: I wish you lovers will eventually become "trees" as soon as possible, and happiness will be yours!

29. If you plant trees on Arbor Day, you are blessed with "trees". Wealth trees you, health trees you, good luck trees you, and my blessing trees you: I wish you a lover who will eventually become a "tree" as soon as possible, and happiness is not yours!

30. If you want to be rich, have fewer children, and have more trees, you should enjoy less production, pollute more trees, and surrender the greenhouse effect. Arbor Day, March 12th, for the beautiful future of the world, for the harmonious development of society, friends, and more trees.


1. Bamboo has no skin and can move all the year round.

2. Sprinkle a little green and reap a piece of green.

3. Caring for the environment means caring for life.

4. Big trees are green, and the earth has a pulse.

5. We planted trees together, and all over the world are covered with greenery.

6. Life lies in green, and hope lies in green.

7. Afforestation is beneficial to today, but it will make great contributions to the future.

8. Put down your axe and plant trees frequently!

9. The earth is my home, and greening depends on everyone.

10. Water is the source of life, and trees are the guardians of water.

11. Willow along chestnut river at the foot of mountain, and cypress planted on barren beach.

12. Rich in front of you, pick dirt; Be rich in the long run and plant more trees.

13. Creating a friendly society depends on you and everyone.

14. Crossing the river to bridge, planting trees to raise seedlings.

15. The crowds are round and round, and the trees are dense and dense.

16. Dry elm and wet willow poplar, peach and apricot are planted on the hillside.

17. Afforestation is beneficial, while planting trees is rich.

18. Arbor Day, give the earth a little color and move together.

19. One tree, two trees and three trees, all become pillars.

20. Afforestation is carried out every year, and all mountains are in spring.