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1. When you are young, don't drag down the people who gave birth to you; When you are old, don't drag down the people you gave birth to.

2. The consolidation is well done, and the production control is difficult to fail.

3. People live a whole life, either deep, interesting or quiet.

4. The road I chose is to walk on my knees.

5. The creation of the great cause of life can be done, not known.

6. Life's gains and losses are weak, let go of the past, cherish it now, and hope for the future.

7. A person's walking range is his world.

8. Weeds can't cover the sun, and difficulties can't stop the brave.

9. Treat each day happily and treat each one sincerely.

10. Knowledge is used for practice, not for boasting.

11. Those who are not strong-minded are not wise enough, while those who do not believe in words fail.

12. A strong woman will cry, but she won't give up.

13. To succeed, don't race with horses, ride on horses and succeed immediately.

14. Adapt to the environment, don't ask the environment to adapt to you.

15. The dream lies ahead, while the success lies behind tears and sweat.

16. In fact, when so many things come along, you will find that life is a turning place everywhere.

17. Show courage and courage; To flinch back is to fear.

18. If there is no one to protect you, it's so cool that there is no weakness. You are so good that you can't ruin your feelings.

19. The activities in the world have many shortcomings, but they are still beautiful.

20. Toughness refers to the tenacious and lasting spirit and perseverance.

21. People have to help themselves. If you want to be dignitaries before others, you must suffer after others!

22. You are like a soul in the dark night, lurking around me.

23. Glorious labor, afraid of shameful labor; Labor makes people strong, so we should treat it correctly.

24. You are an indispensable part of my youth, and you exist in my beautiful youth.

25. Running water liberates its vitality when it encounters conflict.

26. If you work hard, you will succeed; The reward will come sooner or later.

27. Where the will is directed, the stone will open. Who can resist it?

28. Everything has not come to an end as long as you are unwilling.

29. The coincidence you make is just the result of another person's heart.

30. Let reason hold my hand and then follow my feelings.


1. May you look up at the starry sky and keep your feet on the ground while chasing dreams.

2. Love your loved ones with your whole life; Chasing with your whole life, your fearless dream.

3. We are all running hard, and we are all dream catchers.

4. We are all dream catchers, chasing beauty and dreams.

5. Don't let beauty keep an empty pillow, and youth will not regret dreaming.

6. Be brave in pursuing dreams, work hard, and don't give up easily. I hope that time will not bear diligence and youth.

7. Youth has no regrets, and always be a dream catcher.

8. Youth shines through tempering, while life is sublimated through struggle.

9. To get one thing means to lose another thing.

10. Love is really a domineering thing, isn't it? It doesn't ask you why, don't ask the order.

11. We should be ashamed. We all love ourselves more than love.

12. He is the one I loved after all, even if there are thousands of bad things and all kinds of disappointments.

13. It's better to be hurt naked even if you shrink inside the shell.

14. go to hell, what will die of youth, I bet on eternity!

15. Whoever loves first loses.

16. shed your tears for other people's stories.

17. Youth is limited and cannot be spent in hesitation and wait-and-see.

18. I've known him for eighteen years, but I can't compare with the months when you appeared.

19. All I want from beginning to end is just one of you.

20. Go back, I got on the bus. Shiyong, let bygones be bygones, never again!

21. After being with you, I am no longer my original self.

22. Happiness is fleeting, only pain is remembered.

23. In fact, I didn't expect any results, knowing that it was impossible.

24. When the moonlight shines again, it will be cold after all.

25. Love is a river, who does not cross the river by feeling stones.

26. Spring is limited and cannot be spent in hesitation and wait-and-see.

27. Parting is for a better meeting in the future.

28. Very often, when we get used to something, we don't know that it is suffering.

29. As I said, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I will not let you go.

30. All things are conserved, so a wise man is usually matched with a fool.


1. We turn life into a scientific dream, and then turn the dream into reality. -Madame Curie

2. If your mind is young, you often keep many dreams. In the thick dark clouds, you will still catch the golden sunshine. -Swallen

3. Take advantage of your youth to explore knowledge, which will make up for the loss caused by old age. Wisdom is the spiritual nourishment of old age, so you should work hard when you are young, so that you will not be empty when you are young. -Da Vinci

4. Don't say goodbye when you are young, and don't wave when you are old. -Russian proverb

5. In the world, there is nothing more precious than youth, but youth is also the easiest to die ... Whoever can keep youth forever is a great man. -Guo Moruo

6. Spring is the new season of nature in a year, while the new season of life is only youth once in a lifetime. -Cicero

7. When a person is young, nothing can bring him down. -O 'Neill

8. Young people are blind and not blind. In normal times, they are blind, but in extraordinary times, they will never be blind. -Wen Yiduo

9. Youth does not refer to a certain period of life, but to a state of mind. -Sai ullman

10. Young people are characterized by their lofty aspirations to pursue their ideal career. -Gary ning

11. Just as spring is the life season of the four seasons, boyhood is the life season of life. -Mao dun

12. Abuse of youth is better than wasting it. -Georges Courteline

13. No matter which era, the characteristics of youth always embrace the ideals and fantasies of famous species. This is not a problem, but a precious quality. -Gary ning

14. Most of the lives of young people are full of hope; Hope represents the future, while memory represents the past. -Aristotle

15. Although the world and life are terrible, one thing is always good, and that is youth. —— Xianke Weizhi

16. Youth is an ordinary name. It is happy and beautiful, but it is also full of hard training. -Gorky

17. Money can do many things in this world, but only youth can't be bought with money. -Lymante

18. Young people don't complain about their youth as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade. Beautiful years are precious to them, even if it is accompanied by various storms. -george sand

19. The verse of a Lapland song can't be forgotten until now: "Children's wishes are the wishes of the wind, and youthful thoughts are long thoughts". -Longfellow

20. Youth is something that is not durable and hidden. -Shakespeare