
5U文學(xué)網(wǎng) > 名言 > 英語名言 > 時間短暫的英文唯美名言


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1. diligent people always feel that time passes too fast; Lazy people always complain that time runs too slowly.

2. If I can become a cherry blossom, I would like to fall on the shoulder of time with the falling cherry petals and grow old with them.

3. Be precious, don't wait until you lose it, because time won't stop.

4. Anyone who wants to achieve excellent results should cherish and control his time with great care.

5. Whoever is stingy with time is generous with it. If you want time to live up to you, first of all, you should live up to time. He who gives up time, time also gives up him.

6. Among all critics, time is the greatest, correct and genius.

7. Silence is time to freeze me in a wonderful reverie. There are voices I want to hear, pictures I want to see and people I want to see.

8. You can't see the beauty of flowers and trees without caring for petals.

9. The way to finish the work is to cherish every minute.

10. Reasonable arrangement of time means saving time.

11. If you hurry early, don't catch late. Time can be squeezed.

12. Time is our life. If we don't cherish it, this life will be meaningless.

13. Time is not terrible. What is terrible is not knowing when it will end.

14. Nails are hammered in and time is squeezed out.

15. Time flies, the sun and the moon fly like a boat.

16. Choosing opportunities means saving time.

17. Whoever wastes his life is leaving gold and not buying anything.

18. Time is a golden river. Don't let it slip gently at your fingertips.

19. Believe in life and time, time dilutes all pain. Life does not necessarily create the joy of renewal.

20. To win time is to win everything.

21. The road is still the same, and time is not the same as before.

22. If you don't see me, the water of the Yellow River comes down to entering the ocean, never to return. See you, how lovely locks in bright mirrors in high chambers, though silken-black at morning, have changed by night to snow.

23. Lost cattle and sheep can be recovered; But lost time can't be recovered.

24. The flowers are similar from year to year, but different from year to year.

25. A full life is a long life. We should measure life by actions, not by time.

26. Time is public property that cannot be possessed. As time goes on, the truth will become more and more obvious.

27. Those who forget today will be forgotten by tomorrow.

28. If you don't cherish time, you can't get the value of life.

29. If a man wastes his life, he abandons gold and buys nothing.

30. Better grab a second today than wait a minute tomorrow.


1. We always heal the scars and forget the pain, and make the same mistakes repeatedly, only at different times and in different places.

2. Do you love life? Then don't waste time, because time is the material of life.

Although there will be a new sun tomorrow, there will never be today's sun.

4. With a bunch of golden sunshine, I hope you will be enthusiastic and unrestrained in your hard work; Take a cool breeze to make your spirit comfortable in your struggle; Pick a beautiful rainbow to make you colorful in your efforts; Embrace youth and cherish time. I wish you a bright and spirited life!

5. Time makes all memories settle in the same place in a daze, but we can never return to the original place to wait. Everything in this world can be turned back, but time does not have such beauty, so please cherish time and don't leave regrets.

6. Since time is the most precious wealth, it is very important to cherish time and use it rationally. How to spend time rationally is just as important as the planning of spending money. When money is spent, you can earn it again, but when time is spent, you cannot regenerate it. Therefore, you should make good use of your time.

7. We should cherish time. Cherish time is to cherish life. Cherish time is to love ourselves. Of course, it is not so difficult to cherish time. You may be able to do it: spend less time when eating, and chew more food; Concentrate when doing homework, and write like a god; Also, when listening, as long as you pay attention to everything the teacher says, this is to save time. Look at that. It's so easy to cherish time. It's just a little effort.

8. There is a long time between today and tomorrow; Learn to act quickly while you are still fresh.

9. I'm worried about losing the opportunity. If you don't catch it, the opportunity you see will be lost, and time will pass quickly.

10. Be good at grasping every fleeting moment and doing what you want to do, study or work. While looking for the goal, don't ignore every today. Because we can only grasp today, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow will be in the future. Only by grasping today can we have more beautiful tomorrow.

11. Silk dyeing has no complex white, white temples have no heavy black, and strive to love youth.

12. Time passes by, and the years increase day by day! Cherish the present, and you will find that life is wonderful! Remember: One flower, one wood, one world! Time is up to you!

13. Turning the idea of cherishing time into action, only by turning it into the treasure of action can we save those precious time in our lives, so that a full life makes us proud. Let's take our feet, open our arms and race against time! Run for our lives! Run for our life!

14. Cherishing time will make you the master of time; Cherish time will make your life colorful.

15. Just use your time! What do you want to understand, don't give up the near future.

16. Those who cherish time achieve academic success, while those who waste time achieve nothing! I should cherish time well and grasp the ark of time well, so that I can become a great man and be the best master of time.

17. The fire burns the skin and will heal over time; Words that hurt people will always leave scars.

18. Time has three steps: the future comes late, the present flies like an arrow, and the past never stands still.

19. As we know, time has its actual situation and length, depending on what people give it.

20. Create as much happiness as possible to fill the time, which can be tied alive to accompany happiness.

21. I am deeply moved by Einstein's spirit of being good at learning and thinking, and I sincerely admire Wang Mian's tireless use of Yi Zhi, who studied hard and practiced hard. Make me know how to cherish time.

22. People often feel that the preparation stage is a waste of time. Only when the real opportunity comes and they are unable to grasp it can they realize that they are wasting their time without preparation at ordinary times.

23. Time is the fastest, slowest, longest and shortest, most ordinary and precious, most easily overlooked and most regrettable in the world. In my life, the study time occupies most of the time, and the mountain of homework every day makes me breathless, but I don't waste it. I am full every day, and my study is intoxicating and fascinating.

24. People don't call time when they think they can hold it. In fact, people are abandoned by it. It has no nostalgia and always goes forward by itself.

25. The day can be replenished, the sea can be filled, and the South Mountain can be moved. The sun and the moon are past, and cannot be pursued.

26. Time is the fine sand in the palm of your hand, which slips away inadvertently between your fingers. Where will you go, like a mischievous child hiding in the corner, suddenly rushed out and knocked you off guard.

27. Time can not only reveal hidden things, but also dim brilliant things.

28. Ordinary people only think about how to spend their time, while talented people try to use their time.

29. Believe in life and time, time dilutes all pain. Life does not necessarily create the joy of renewal.

30. Time is the least valuable thing and the most precious thing, because with time, we have everything.


1. Less youth, less glory.

2. After the fifteenth day of the month, there is little light, and people will have a rest in middle age.

3. People who know the true meaning of life can prolong the short life.

4. Time creates more converts than reason.

5. The Yellow River goes to the east, the white sunset goes to the west sea, and it passes away from Sichuan and streamers.

6. Falling flowers will not have fragrance, flowing water will not return, and time will not return.

7. Flowers bloom in time, while reading is young.

8. Flowers bloom every year, and people are young again.

9. The more a person knows the value of time, the more he feels the pain of losing time!

10. Whoever wastes his life is leaving gold and not buying anything.

11. People with lofty ideals are short in days, and people who worry know how long the night is.

12. Time is like flowing water in the east, only flowing away but not flowing back.

13. The use of time is an extremely advanced law.

14. Wealth is better than floating clouds, and time is better than feet.

15. Time is speed and time is strength.

16. Good medicine is hard to cure my heart's disease, and gold is hard to buy when I was a teenager.

17. A mediocre person who cares will kill time, while a wise person will make great efforts to use time.

18. Time flies to age, and the sun and the moon move like teenagers.

19. Today is better than two tomorrows.

20. The way to finish the work is to cherish every minute.










