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The idiom is a kind of special speech form that is particular in meaning, grammatical structure and usage.


Idiomatic expressions are even difficult for native English speakers because their meanings cannot be determined through an analysis of their individual words. For instance, “to fall out” means “to quarrel”, but neither “fall” nor “out” has a sense of quarrel. Another example is “a feather in one’s cap”, which means “an honor or a success, of which one can be proud”. The meaning of this idiom is a metaphorical one. “Under the rose” is also very difficult to understand from the literal meanings of its component words. Its true meaning is “secretly”. “To have a bee in one’s bonnet” means “to have a strange fixed idea about something”. “To kick the bucket or to bite the dust” means “to die”. The figurative interpretation of “shoot the breeze” is “to talk without purpose”. Unlike literal language, it is impossible to explain the idiom from the literal meaning of the individual words. Thus, English idioms are difficult to understand and acquire, because they are a combination of two or more words, which function as a unit of meaning.

就是土生土長的英語人士,也未必知道習(xí)慣用語的意思.因?yàn)榱?xí)慣用語往往不是通過逐字的理解就能夠推敲出句子的意思了.比如說, “to fall out” 表示 “對等、差不多”,不管是fall還是out都不能表達(dá)對等的意思. 又如, “a feather in one’s cap”,它的意思是某人值得引以為驕傲的榮耀或者成功.這樣的習(xí)慣語屬于隱喻的風(fēng)格. “Under the rose”這個(gè)習(xí)慣語,也同樣難以從字面入手.它的真正含義就是”秘密地”. “To have a bee in one’s bonnet”是說對某事充滿了復(fù)雜的想法. “To kick the bucket or to bite the dust”意思是死去. “shoot the breeze”的寓意是毫無目的的說話.不比文字的語言,習(xí)慣用語的意思真不是字面所能呈現(xiàn)出來的.所以呢,英語習(xí)慣用語是很難掌握的,它往往是多個(gè)詞作合起來表達(dá)一個(gè)特點(diǎn)的意思的.

For we Chinese students, English idioms are a stumbling block. It is very possible that they often not only feel at a loss in understanding conversations because of a key idiom but also misused idioms. In this paper, I am going to make a study of the relationship between idioms and culture and throw some light on the learning of English idioms.

對中國學(xué)習(xí)者來說,英語習(xí)慣用語那真是一塊絆腳石了. 不僅僅不懂,而且還誤解,這是中國學(xué)生最容易遇到的情況.這個(gè)文章里,我講談?wù)撘幌掠⒄Z習(xí)慣語和文化習(xí)俗至今的一下聯(lián)系,希望能夠給大家有一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)幫助.

As we all know, language is closely related to culture and can be said as a part of culture. From a dynamic view, language and culture interact with each other and shape each other. Language is the carrier of culture, which in turn is the content of language. We can dig out cultural features from language and explain language phenomena with culture.


Idioms as a special form of language exist in both of them and carry a large amount of cultural information such as history, geography, religion, custom, nationality psychology, thought pattern and so on, and therefore are closely related to culture. They are the heritage of history and product of cultural evolvement. Consequently, we can know much about culture through studying idioms and in turn get better understanding of idioms by learning the cultural background behind them

習(xí)慣用語和文化是如此的緊密相連,原因在于,作為存在于語言和文化間的一種特殊的形式,它包含了大量的文化信息,比如涉及到了歷史、地理、宗教、習(xí)俗、民族心理和意識(shí)形態(tài),等等等等. 它既是歷史的遺產(chǎn),也是文化積淀的產(chǎn)物. 所以,通過學(xué)習(xí)習(xí)慣用語,我們能夠了解很多文化知識(shí),當(dāng)然,學(xué)習(xí)背后隱藏的文化知識(shí),也有利于我們更好的了解習(xí)慣用語.

為什么their meaning不加s

their meaning,是他們說話或做事的意圖,是不可數(shù)名詞,所以不加s。具體什么時(shí)候加s,什么時(shí)候不加,只能多讀,不能全憑一個(gè)語法就能解釋。

meaning既可以是可數(shù)名詞,也可以是不可數(shù)名詞。比如The word has both literal meanings and figurative meanings。這個(gè)詞既有文學(xué)含義(意義)同時(shí)又有比喻意義。

meaning的基本意思是“意思,意義,含義”,指一個(gè)詞、表情或一個(gè)手勢所指出或代表的含義,可以指專門的、具體的字面意義,也可指隱含的意義。mean還可以指“目的,重要性”。 meaning可用來表示具體事物,也可表示抽象事物,用作具體的事物時(shí)可用于復(fù)數(shù)形式。


meaning, implication, sense, significance這組詞的共同意思是“含義”。

meaning意為“意義,意思,重要性”; implication著重指無需說明、解釋即可理解的含蓄的、暗示的“意思”。

sense通常指“觀念,概念,含義”,也可指“感覺,意識(shí)”,在許多情況下, sense與meaning可以替換。



英語作文 關(guān)于內(nèi)涵與外表

l Denotation(外延,指稱) and Connotation(內(nèi)涵,言外之意)


l To use the right word, you must be aware of its denotation and connotation. The denotation of a word is its dictionary meaning---the literal meaning that most readers would agree on. According to The Random House Dictionary, a "home“ is "a house, apartment,or other place of residence.” But “home" has other Meanings as well. Those meanings or associations are a word,a connotation, what it suggests or implies in the reader's mind. "Home." for instance, may suggest childhood,family memories, a sense of belonging, and other comforting thoughts.


l The denotation of a word refers to its dictionary meanings, that is its literal meanings. The connotation of a word refers to its overtones, that is, its implied meanings.


Denotative Meaning


l A well-chosen word is worth a thousand pictures. It you want to select the word that expresses exactly what you intend to say, you must first of all understand its denotation; what it literally means. If you write notorious when you mean famous, or allusion (暗指)when you mean illusion(幻影,錯(cuò)覺), you may confuse your readers and cause them to doubt your ability of choosing the correct word.


l The following is a list of easily confused words. Distinguish them with the help of your dictionary.


l adopt----adapt feasible----possible


l affect----effect immigrant-----emigrant


l revolution-----evolution invaluable-----valueless


l beside----besides loose----lose


l censor----censure notable----notorious


l gay(愉快的)----guy(家伙) principal----principle


Connotative Meaning


l We choose words for their literal as well as for their implied meanings. Whereas denotations are generally neutral, connotations may reflect feelings, attitudes and emotional overtones. The dictionary, for example, defines politician as one who actively engages in politics. But if you call your classmate "a real politician," you don't use its denotation. but connotation, the implied meaning. You most probably mean that your classmate is a smooth operator.


l The meaning of a word is affected by its connotations and by its context ---the way it is used in a particular passage. Words can be correct in one situation but inappropriate in another because of their connotations. A well-known sequence of sentences makes this point clear:


l I am determined


l You are stubborn


l He is pig-headed


l Each means essentially the same thing, but most of us would probably prefer to be known m "determined" because of its "flavor" or connotation, particularly when contrasted with "stubborn" or "pig-headed.”


l A word can be labeled commendatory(稱贊的), neutral, or derogatory(誹謗的) according to the subtle differences through which it distinguishes itself from its synonyms.


l Notice the differences in tone in each group of sentences:


l I am slender.


l My sister is thin.


l My neighbor is skinny.




l I am plump.


l My sister is fat.


l My neighbor is obese.



l I am firm.


l My sister is stubborn.


l My neighbor is pig-headed.



l Words in the first sentence of each group all have the most positive connotations, that is, they are all used in the commendatory sense, whereas words in the last sentence of each group all have the most negative connotations used in the derogatory sense. Words in the middle sentence of each group have the neutral connotations used in the neutral sense.


l Many words have powerful political, sexist, or other social overtones. Because they may cause misunderstanding when used in the unsuitable situations, writers must be certain of their connotations before they decide to choose them.


郵電:post and telecommunications

海外部主任: Director of Overseas Department

感到驕傲和榮幸: feels proud and houonred

gracious invitation: 誠懇的邀請

a distinguished group:杰出人士

寄托:have someone look after sb; entrust the care of

外賓專用別墅 : special villa for foreign guest

look over the seas :往海邊望

字面意思:literal meanings;

下榻 :be state

國際機(jī)票: international ticket

school break: